Days Till by E-String

Days Till by E-string

Easily calculate the number of days.

Do you spend time calculating how may days until an event? Or what date is some number days from now?

Days Till by E-String quickly shows you how many days to a specific date and what day is a specific number of days from today.

For example, say you regularly schedule appointments 26 days out. Don't waste time counting days on a calendar when the next appointment should be. Days Till will tell you in a glance on what date that appointment should be.


  • Add specific dates you want to count the number of days till.
  • Add a number of days in the future to continually see what date that is.
  • View a calendar with upcomming events and days till.
  • Edit the title, icon, date and number of days at any time.
  • Private so all your events stay on your phone.
available in the app store
A list of events
an example prompt
an example prompt
an example prompt